In last month or two, during a phase when my lap is always full, my neck skin is constantly fondled, and "I yuv you a bushel and a peck" is whispered repeatedly into my ear throughout the day, I am exceedingly aware that
I have never before--and will never again--be loved as

as I am by my four-year-old Wee Niblet.
It rather takes my breath away.
I know exactly what you mean. Fills you right up.
The pooch luves me especially much today. Hard typing with big dog on lap, it is...
That total, over the top, unconditional love that comes from young kids is just awesome.
Nobody can love as fiercely as a child.
that is exactly how I feel about my son. I have never been as perfect and never will I be again.
Amazing, isn't it?
I think it's wonderful, but I'd like to add that as a grown up child (35 now) I love my mother as much or more now because I KNOW my mother.
As I child I loved her as a I love her as an equal.
Hopefully, that is something to look forward to. If that made any sense at all.
That is soo sweet!
I is jealus. Is Wee Niblet available for loan?
Yes, and it is also sweet when they grow up into strapping men. Then they love you still, not sweetly, but protectively. You will be amazed at how adorable morphed into manly.
you are so right. you savor every moment and hopefully ti sustains you through the 'eye rolling, door slamming' stage known as adolescence.
beautiful picture!
Savour it is so sweet....and astonishing an honour.
Yes. That is true. And doesn't it make your eyes tear a bit to realize that? I'm trying hard to store up all those "I love you's" myself.
Kids are great. Those moments make the other aggravation seem insignificant
And in realising is, experiencing it consciously, you are doubly blessed.
Being a mum is the best job in the world.
Best wishes
Nothing compares to a child's love. Absolutely nothing. :)
Wait until he comes home drunk when he's 26 and won't go to bed until you've said you love him back and give him a hug. Now that's when you know you've been a good mom
Aaah yes, it's true, and beautiful and you are truly blessed.
And that's exactly as it should be.
Now that's bloggin'. I'm weeping in less than 30 seconds. Niblet is no cornball.
Aaaaaaww. And yeah, ya gotta appreciate it, because by the time they hit five they've got you all figured out. And (well, in my case anyway) that's just not a good thing.
awww totally.
it's another one of those things that i had no idea about and yet am so damn happy to experience.
that was sweet. i'm electronically high fiving you in my mind...since i'm doing it in my mind you'd think i would take the unpersonalized electronics out of it, but that's the cold hearted bastard that i am
Just imagine how much he'll love you when he's 16!
What a beautiful post and a beautiful child.:)
Awww! Cute pic! Four-year-old love is da best!
Awwww. How sweet.
There's nothing like it in the whole world, is there?
What a great and adorable picture. These moments will give you comfort years from now when he discovers OTHER girls. (Sorry, Sweetie. You did know that would happen, didn't you?)
The photo complements your words perfectly.
Enjoy it :)
I still, bllessedly, get that kind of love form my amost-eleven-year old who still loves me passionately. I treaure it.
That's a keeper all right! File it away and pull it out when he's 17 and fighting you over the car!
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